Seller Profile Quality Control
- Seller Profile Quality Control allows maintenance, admin, and finance users to see edited Seller profile fields and accept or reject changes.
- Seller Profile fields can be quality controlled. When a Seller updates their profile, all fields with a QC flag enabled will go to quality control.
- Approvals in this section are visible in the Audit Log.
- Seller short code should be added as a filter to the Seller Quality Control table.
- A new administration page has been introduced: Seller Profile Quality Control. This serves to review Seller profile changes.
- There is a time frame in which Sellers cannot update their profiles; this is represented by the seconds/minutes until the previous change will be pushed to the Shop.
- If the quality control status is modified in a specific field within this time frame, the fields that have already been edited won’t be affected by the new configuration.
The only difference between a new Seller and an updated Seller when reviewing quality control fields is that the colors used to highlight all changes are different.
- On creation, there are no colors.
Seller Profile Configuration Setup