Seller Migration


When Seller Center is set up for the first time, it usually connects to an existing system that already has merchant and supplier accounts.
  • Depending on the rollout plan, either a single Seller is created for the initial setup or all Sellers are part of Seller Center from the start.

    It is possible that only a small amount of Sellers are available in the initial Seller Center and the other accounts are made available later. For this purpose, Seller Migration is available.

  • In Seller Migration, Seller Center migrates merchant accounts from the Shop backend system.

  • The Shop system currently differentiates between two types of suppliers: supplier and merchant.


  • Fulfill preconditions for the supplier in Shop system in order to migrate the account to Seller Center.
  • Allow migrated Sellers to immediately start selling their products on their own once all their products are in the system.
    Critical Knowledge

    The listed preconditions for the migration are required for all the Shop systems, but certain Shop backend system versions have additional requirements.



    Responsible Party
    Purpose/How To
    1 Change database type of supplier type to “Merchant” (consult IT). Venture Change the supplier_type of the account to “Merchant” (on DB-level). Create a new merchant and copy all existing products to the new account
    2 Product cleanup (IT & countries) Venture

    Delete all additional sources of a product so that only a cross-docking or drop shipping source is available.

    1 simple has one source (not more)

    3 Product Sources should be only cross-docking or drop shipping (countries). Venture Either drop shipping or cross-docking sources are available for all products.
    4 Make sure these fields are filled in the database:

    1. company_name (with Seller name)
    2. contact_email field
    3. address1 + address2
    4. name or shop_name
    5 Make sure that the Seller email address & name is unique and is not existing in Seller Center (countries). Venture Check that the user assigned to account is not used in the system. Change the email completely
    6 Make sure that account can be saved successfully in the Shop backend. Venture Check that all mandatory fields are filled. Otherwise, Seller cannot be created in Seller Center during migration.
    7 Give Shop ID to be completely sure that the right merchant is added to Seller Center (IT & Country). Venture Shop ID from the database is needed because the Seller name and display name might be different (translated).
    8 Check that database changes are replicated on slave database from Shop. Venture Seller Center reads all data from the Shop slave database to update the system (for brands, categories, attributes etc). Therefore, it is necessary that all changes on the master database from the Shop are also available to be replicated (copied) on the slave database; otherwise, migrations will fail.
    9 Create a ticket within TMLSD project within JIRA (country). Venture

    Inform the Rocket Labs team that a migration is needed.

    Please provide the following information in the ticket:

    • Seller name *
    • Seller ID *
    • Date when the migration should occur (optional)

    After Migration

    Once a Seller user has been created automatically, the merchant should receive an email with a link to recover the password and set their password.