Audit Log


The Audit Log is where the Venture’s admin users can monitor changes made either by a Seller on their products/orders or by a backend user to different settings.

  • In case of disputes, for instance, it is therefore possible to monitor recent changes.
  • Furthermore, this shows how often and via what channel (e.g API, CSV, or directly on the Seller Center website) changes occur.


The Audit Log can be found under Administration  > System > System Status > Audit Log

If changes are triggered by a user, the Audit Log will list their email and whether it is possible to detect their IP address.

The overview below lists all available triggers and their purposes:

Event name Trigger Content

Admin or system changes status to “active,” “inactive,”  or “deleted” via UI or CSV.

For instance, when order limit has been reached or is reset.

Seller name, Seller short code, current status
acl_role_info  ACL manager creates or updates role information. Role name, role description, other roles who can assign this role, description of whether it is a Seller or backend role. For updates, the previous settings are listed
acl_role_ressource ACL manager changes assigned resources to role. Resource added or removed, to which role they were added or removed, previously-enabled resources
attribute_change Backend user edits an attribute. Attribute name (if set) and the current settings for an attribute (e.g., name, quality control enabled, fixed value set)
attribute_visibility_change Backend user edits visibility of an attribute. Attribute name, current status
cancellation_fee_editon Backend user edits cancellation fee.
category_to_attr_set_mapping Backend user assigns a category to an attribute set. Category name, currently mapped attribute set, previous attribute set.
commission_change Backend user edits commission on global or Seller-level. Seller name +ID (only if change did not happen on global-level), category, category ID, current commission value, previous commission value
commission_tax_rate_edition  Backend user edits the tax rate (VAT / WHT) for commissions. General and Seller-level, previous and current value for VAT and WHT
counterfeit_brand_restriction Backend user activates or deactivates a brand for brand restriction. Brand name, restriction status (restricted or permitted)
counterfeit_seller_brand_approval Backend user approves certain brands for a specific Seller. Seller name, Seller ID, brand (name)
csv_seller_setting_changed Backend user uploads Seller settings. All settings that have been uploaded with their value
fee_change Backend user updates global or Seller-level fee settings. Seller name, Seller ID, fee name, fee ID, changed value, previous value or current and previous status
fee_deleted Backend user removes fee on Seller-level. Seller name, Seller ID, fee name, fee ID
mail_template_id_change Backend user updates email template ID. Template type and transition from previous value to current value
mail_template_status_change Backend user updates email template status. Template type and status transitions
master_create Backend user creates a master template for products.
master_linked_product  A product is linked to an existing master product template.
master_updated Major update on a master template is detected. Template name, PID, changed values and attributes
password_change Any user triggers password change within Seller Center under User icon > Change password Email and user ID
payment_method_change Backend user creates or updates the setting for a payment method. Creation and update of payment method, name, display name, and charge money flag (active or inactive)
price_change Any user updates a price. This is triggered for the regular price via Seller Center website, CSV, or API import. Seller SKU, Shop SKU (if the product exists in Shop), old price, and new price
product_create Product is created via either Seller Center UI or CSV/API import. Creation source (API, CSV, UI => nothing special listed), Seller SKU, product name
product_deleted Product status is changed to “deleted” Source (API, CSV, UI => nothing special listed), Seller SKU, product name, previous and current status
product_description_updated Product description is updated. Shop Sku, Seller SKU, ID, truncated description
product_status_change  Status change is triggered via either Seller Center website, or via CSV/API import. Seller SKU, Shop SKU (if product exists in Shop), previous status, current status, source (API, CSV, or UI=> nothing special listed)
promotion_created  Creation of a promotion Promotion name, start/end date
promotion_delete  Deletion of a promotion Promotion name, ID
promotion_updated  Update of a promotion Promotion name, ID, start/end date
qc_approve Backend user approves a pending product. Seller short code, product SKU, Shop SKU (if product exists in Shop), whether individual approval or CSV-triggered
qc_approve_without_images  Product is approved, even if no image is uploaded; works only in combination with this feature. Seller short code, product SKU, Shop SKU (if product exists in Shop), rejection reason, whether individual rejection or CSV-triggered
qc_reject Product is rejected via UI/CSV. Seller short code, product SKU, Shop SKU (if product exists in Shop), rejection reason, whether individual rejection or CSV-triggered
qc_setting_attribute Attribute setting for automatic quality control Attribute name, ID, current quality control status
qc_setting_category Backend user updates:

  • Global-level category setting for automatic quality control
  • Seller-level category setting for automatic quality control
  • category name, ID, current quality control status
  • category name, ID, Seller name, Seller ID, current quality control status
seller field change  Seller status changed, due to system delisting, admin delisting, seller self delisting (holiday mode activation) seller name, seller id, current status, status change source
seller_profile_field_config_change Seller profile field configuration is updated. Field name, ID, value (e.g. “Enabled,” “Mandatory,” “Editable,” “Quality control required”)
seller_profile_qc_approval Profile of a Seller is approved after Seller registration. Seller name, ID, approval status
seller_profile_update_qc_approval Profile of a Seller is approved after Seller has updated profile. Seller name, ID, approval status
seller_profile_update_qc_rejected Profile of a Seller is rejected after they have updated profile. Seller name, ID, rejection status
settings_change Any change on global settings or Seller settings that are done via Seller Center website Seller name, ID, all settings with their configured value
shipment_provider_change Update on a global shipment provider setting Shipment provider name, ID, configured values
shopial_event_raised Tracking activation/ deactivation of Shopial feature (Facebook shop) Seller name, ID and activation status, previous status
special_price_change Any user updates a special price; this is triggered for the special price via Seller Center website, CSV, or API import. Seller SKU, Shop SKU (if the product exists in Shop) old price and new price, old date and new date
stock_change Any user updates a stock value via website, CSV, API, or OMS (due to order processing). Seller SKU, Shop SKU (for a synced product), current stock value, previous stock value
  • Creation of a transaction rule
  • Status change
  • Change of variable values
  • All parameters that are added to a rule
  • Status change
  • Variable, value, Seller
user_change  Modification of user under “Manage user” User data like role, email, name, and language


Audit Log in Kibana

Currently all before mentioned events get stored in the Audit Log within Seller Center and are available for 3 month. As this time period is for most ventures to short for being compliant, there happened additonal development to have a more modern solution in place. From now on it is possible to have the Audit Log available within Kibana, which uses Elasticsearch. That way it is possible to store and search (almost) unlimited amount of data.

The switch to Kibana is fully optional, but highly recommended, in order to have access to logged data for longer than 3 month, to use a better search (including filtering) and to stay compliant.

If you need more information or have further questions, or want to have the external Audit Log setup, please contact Ulf Kirsten